Chocolate turrón, Spain's Christmas fare
>> Friday, December 31, 2010
A Spanish Christmas celebration is not such without turrón, as it should graze the table of every respectable family during the holidays. Everybody here likes turrón of some type, and those who do not are regarded as hopeless individuals. Turrón is a confectionery typically made of honey, sugar and egg white, with toasted almonds or other nuts, and usually shaped into either a rectangular tablet or a round cake (check here the Spanish pronunciation of turrón). As found in Wikipedia, Spanish turrón may be roughly classified as:
- Hard (the Alicante variety): A compact block of whole almonds in a brittle mass of eggs, honey and sugar; 64% almonds.
- Soft (the Jijona variety): Similar but the almonds are reduced to a paste. The addition of oil makes the matrix more chewy and sticky; 60% almonds.

Though those are the truly traditional varieties, different types have evolved through time incorporating all kinds of not-so-traditional ingredients, chocolate turrón being one of the most successful, a sort of praliné flavored with a variety of nuts or cereals. And because these chocolate turróns are one of the easiest to make, this is the recipe I have chosen to give. This turrón only consists of chocolate with nut bits or cereals to which some kind of fat is added in order to make the final product creamier and softer. The hard and soft turróns can also be made at home, but they are a lot more complicated to make and the store-bought stuff has a superb quality, so it is maybe not so worthwhile. This easy peasy and tasty recipe is adapted from this Spanish website. It yields 2 tablets of around 20x8cm. You will need a couple of small loaf pans; silicone molds work best, but plain metal loaf pans lined with plastic film will do too. And it goes without saying that the better the chocolate quality, the better your turrón will be.

And I am also giving a recipe using Nutella instead of butter or rendered pork lard, as I used it while preparing the turrón one of those days I happened to have run out of lard... and the result was superb.

Chocolate turrón
- 150g milk chocolate with hazelnuts
- 150g milk chocolate with almonds
- 200g dark chocolate for melting
- 70g softened butter
- 80g cocoa rice Krispies
- Melt all chocolates in separate bowls, little by little in the microwave or in a double boiler (I melt them separately as they tend to have different melting points and I prefer not to overdo it, just in case). The butter should be just softened, not thoroughly melted. When the chocolates are melted, mix everything together in a bigger bowl.
- Add the Krispies and stir to distribute evenly.
- Prepare 2 silicone loaf pans or plastic lined metal loaf pans and divide the mass into both. Leave to cool and set in a fresh environment (but not in the fridge) for 4-5 hours at least, better overnight. Then cut into cubes and enjoy!

Nutella turrón
- 400g milk chocolate (or another ratio of milk to dark chocolate to your taste)
- 60g dark chocolate
- 110g Nutella
- 80g cocoa rice Krispies
- As in the above recipe, melt all the chocolate, warm the Nutella slightly just to make it a bit more fluid, mix everything together.
- Add the Krispies and distribute evenly.
- Pour the mixture in the pans and let set as directed above.

And by the way... I wish you all lovely people out there the best on year 2011... I like that number, don't know why.

19 comentarios:
I love turron.. I tried making it once and messed up.. I need to try your recipe!
Making me drool!!!!!!!
I have not come across the chocolate version of torrone and am eager to give it a try...Valnetines' Day comes to mind. It has been a joy sharing your kitchen this past year. 2011 can be nothing if not to strengthen friendships, cook up a storm and share on these very pages. Cheers!!
Happy New Year Miriam! This turron looks fabulous! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2011!
These look simply divine! Wonderful pictures and a great reciepe!
This looks wonderful! I've never had chocolate turron - just the almond ones.
Feliz Año Nuevo!
I love turrón, my Spanish friends always bring me turrón when she visits Madrid, but she never brought me a chocolate one :)
Yours looks beautifully done, I bet it tastes wonderful.
Happy New Year :)
Miriam, I love turron but I've never had it with chocolate. I'd go for the soft kind anytime.
Best wishes for the new year!
yum! Feliz Año Miriam!
Miriam, no tengo ni idea de ingles, bueno un poquito...Me he comprado un par de libros este invierno para practicar mi traduccion...pero hacerme esto, que yo pensaba que publicabas las mismas recetas en español y en ingles....jajaja.
Oye este turrón se ve estupendo, voy a ver si me da tiempo a hacerlo antes de reyes.
A-ha - how interesting! I never knew this, but clearly the New Orleans praline, an iconic sweet of the region, derives from the Spanish turron, which makes sense as New Orleans was under Spanish rule for a time. I would have thought it was from the French. I am certain I would love it (I wouldn't want to be thought of as a hopeless individual after all!)
happy new year Miriam!
I wish you all the best!
Happy New Year Miriam! I have never heard of turron before. You have enlightened me :D
Casi estuvimos al borde de la depresion esta Navidad, porque no podia encontrar turron español en ninguna parte !!! (para mi, Navidad sin turron español no existe!!) Finalmente consegui de Jijona aunque a mi me gusta el duro!!
Creo que mis hijos van a adorar esta receta con Nutella!! Gracias!!
I love turron, or its French equivalent or Lebanese equivalent made with pistachios; I have never had it in a chocolate version either and it looks smashing! Happy New Year Miriam!
Absolutely beautiful! Looks so delicious.
Asha: you've got to try it, it's so easy!
Belinda: ;)
Val: cheers and all the best for 2011!
Diana: you too!
MC: hope you try it!
Joan: feliz año!
Cherine: Happy 2001!
DaD: mmm, the soft kind is sooo rich...
Johanna: feliz año ;)
Trix: well, the French have something similar to turrón which is nougat... all these sweets are related!
Gio: happy 2011!
Anh: ;) just try it!
Cristina: jaja... tengo que poner la receta del turrón duro entonces, seguro que te encanta hacerlo!
ToB: happy 2011, Joumana!
AOFITHP: thanks!
One Word - "Mouth Watering Blog" You made my mind think again.One thing to tell you that i am very foody person.Would love too see few of more Spanish recipes from your side.
thanks a lot for sharing
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thanks a lot for sharing
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